Well, I have made progress! I managed to get myself down to just 3 drinks per day over a span of 5 days! Unbelievable. I…er…was…feeling so much better, sleeping better, my blood pressure normalized – total win!

Then, well, then I should have taken the Antabuse one day and been done with it, but I hesitated. I think my old psychological nemesis Jerry reared his ugly head and said I should just go out and have one more night on the town, and THEN do it. So I did it. The night on the town, that is.

So, I’m not back to square one! Not quite. I’ve learned from this experience. Now I know when to jump and take the Antabuse. And so, ok, it’s going to take me another week or so to “get back on the program”. MY program, not AA’s. I’m ok with that. I’ve been working at this MF for years – another week or two won’t kill me – I hope.

But it could, of course, kill me. I know that. I’ve seen many people taken by alcoholism, during my tenure. I’m one of the lucky ones, so far. God help me.


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